
Štát: Chorvátsko
Hodnotenie: 3.8537
Typ: Skalky
Materiál: Vápenec
 A popular crag of gray and yellow, sharp, water eroded limestone. It hosts number of easy and 
moderate routes, plus some more demanding ones and still has potential for new harder lines. In general routes are quite long, some more than 30 meters, except in sector A where those are more intense and short, but still nice. Type of climbing varies from slab to wall climbing, with some overhangs, demanding good technique and strong fingers with stamina for harder climbs. Routes are equipped very good, mainly with INOX expansion bolts, hangers and belays. Bolts in easier routes are in most cases quite close spaced, in order to allow care-free climbing, also to the eginners. It is essential though, that everybody knows the procedure of preparing a safe lower-off well (!) also when the belay has no karabiner, but a ring or a mailon! We suggest that you always wear a climbing helmet! Take special care when you see sheep above the crag! They can throw stones. This crag is not very suitable for small children! CLIMBING SEASON: From March to November. The crag gets early afternoon shade (sec B & C first) and is not too hot even during high summer. On winter, though, it gets too cold to climb quite often.

 Follow the road Baska - Punat or vice versa and park your car bellow Treskavac pass (10km from Baska), on a parking place opposite to the only building there. You will already see the crag at the slopes on your SW side. Walk 100 meters towards Punat, over a bridge, and find a maintained water spring on your left. Start hiking uphill just above the pipe, following the footpath. Soon pass the first fence door, keep right and follow the obvious path in a direction of a crag, until you reach another fence doors to pass and than the bottom of a scree. Enter the woods on it’s left, still following the path until it will turn directly uphill and bring you under sector C (20 minutes). Please, always keep all fence door closed behind you and keep your dogs on leashes! Thanks!

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